Plants can not live forever without interruption. Sometimes disturbed by animals, plants or small organisms (viruses, bacteria, or fungi). Animals can be called a pest because they interfere with eating plants. Grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, mice, walang sangit are some examples of animals that are often a pest plant.
Disturbance to vegetation caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi is called disease. Unlike pests, diseases do not eat plants, but they damage the plants by interfering with the process - the process in the body of the plant that shut down the plant. Therefore, plant disease, usually, body parts intact. However, the activity of his life is disrupted and can cause death. To eradicate pests and diseases, often times people use oats - drugs disinfectants. Pesticides used to kill insects are called insecticides. The pesticide used to eradicate the fungus called fungsida.
Pest and disease and drug use pesticides must be careful - careful and appropriate. The use of pesticides that excessive and inappropriate may create a greater hazard. That's because pesticides can cause immune to pests and diseases. Therefore, users of drugs - drugs anti pests and diseases to a minimum and care should be taken wisely.
Naturally, the real enemies of pests have to control it. However, due to human activities, natural enemies of pests is often missing. Due to pests are rampant. One example is the case that often occurs rat. Indeed, scientifically, rats have devoured him enemies. Natural enemies of these mice to control rat population. Enemy is the rat snake, owl and hawk. Unfortunately the animals - the animals were rounded up by humans, so the mice no longer have natural predators. As a result, the number of rats become very much and become agricultural pests.
A. Pest
Pest plants are organisms that attack plants that disrupted its development and growth. Pests that attack plants such as mice, walang sangit, leafhoppers, mites, and caterpillars.
1. Rat
Mice are pests that often make the farmers headaches. This is due to rats difficult to control because of its adaptability, mobility, and ability to multiply very high. A relatively short reproductive period caused the mice to grow much faster. Potential breeding mice is highly dependent of food available. Rats are very active at night.
Rats invade a variety of plants. Plant parts are attacked not only the grain - grain but also the young plant stem. Which makes the strong eat the seeds rats - grain to the detriment of the farmers are a powerful incisors and sharp, so the mouse is easy to take seeds - grains. Rats make a hole - a hole in the rice field and often took refuge in the bush - bush. If the state of paddy fields were damaged then it means that the attacked mouse.
To address the rat infestation, it can be done the way - in the following way:
a. Unload and shut down the rat hole hiding place and catch the mouse.
b. Using the natural enemy of mice, namely snakes.
c. Growing crops simultaneously in order to reap the same time anyway so there is no opportunity for rats to get food after crops are harvested.
d. Using a rodenticide (rat extermination) or by placing poisoned bait, which is sliced sweet potatoes or cassava that has been previously soaked with phosphorus. Poisoning should be done before flowering and seed paddy. In addition the use of poison should be careful - careful because too dangerous to livestock and humans.
2. Planthopper
Planthopper is a kind of beetle that causes the leaves and stems of plants hole - a hole, then dried, and eventually die. Planthopper pests can be controlled in a way - in the following way:
a. Cropping arrangements, namely the simultaneous planting and the crop rotation. Crop rotation to break the cycle of life carried by leafhoppers or soil to plant crops were left for 1-2 months.
b. Biological control, using natural enemies of leafhoppers, such as profit - profit Lycosa Pseudoannulata predators, ladybugs and Cyrtorhinuss lividipenis Microvelia Douglas, Paederuss fuscipes beetles, Ophinea nigrofasciata, and Synarmonia octomaculata.
c. Chemical control, using insecticides, be done if other means are not likely to do. The use of insecticide commercialized in such a way that the effective, efficient, and safe for the environment.
3. Walang sangit
Walang sangit (Leptocorisa acuta) is a pest that is also troubling farmers. These animals when disturbed, will jump and fly, taking out the smell. These insects are reddish green.
Walang sangit suck grain - grain that is still liquid. Seeds that have been sucked will become hollow, somewhat hollow, or clay. Colored seed coat will be blackened - victimization. Factors - factors that support that support walang rice pest populations are as follows.
a. Rice fields are very close to the forest.
b. Weed population in rice fields high enough.
c. Planting is not simultaneously
Walang rice pest control to pest can be done as follows.
a. Plant simultaneously.
b. Clean rice of all kinds of grass that grows around the field so as not to become a breeding ground for walang rice pest.
c. Catch the walang rice pest in the morning with fishing nets.
d. Using dead bait catching frogs, crayfish rice, or with algae.
e. Perform biological control by releasing a natural predator in the form of profit - profit and grow fungus that can infect walang rice pest.
f. Perform chemical control, using insecticides.
Walang sangit young (nymphs) are more active than the adult (imago), but adult animals can damage more severe hence a longer life. Walang sangit adults can also eat seeds - seeds that have been hardened, by issuing an enzyme that can digest carbohydrates.
4. Caterpillar
Butterfly - butterflies are insects that have wings that are beautiful and diverse.Butterfly - butterflies lay their eggs under the leaves and when hatched into larvae.We can call the larval butterfly - butterfly as a caterpillar. In this phase, the active caterpillars eat the leaves, even the base of the stem, especially at night. The leaves are eaten by caterpillars only left frame or bone leaves.
Eradication efforts can be done in the following way.
a. Throw eggs - eggs butterfly - butterfly attached to the underside of leaves.
b. Nursery place flooded with water in large quantities so that the worms will move up so it's easy to be collected and destroyed.
c. If the above does not work both ways, it can be done by using pesticides spraying.
5. Mite
Mites (tiny bugs) there is usually at a lower leaf to suck the leaves. The pest is abundant in the dry season. In the leaf lice will arise spots - small spots and then the leaves will turn yellow and fall. These pests can be overcome by collecting leaves - leaves that are attacked by pests in some places and burnt.
B. Plant Disease
Type - type of plant diseases that attack the very many. Diseases that attack plants are caused by microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and algae. Plant diseases can also be caused by viruses.
1. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are one organism causes disease affecting almost all parts of the plant, from roots, stems, twigs, leaves, flowers, until the fruit. The spread of these diseases can be caused by wind, water, insects, or the touch of the hand.
This disease causes the infected plant parts, such as fruits, will be rotten. If the attack surface of the twigs and leaves, will cause spotting - brown spots. Of spots - these spots will come out white or orange-colored fungus which can spread to the entire surface of the twigs or leaves that eventually dry and fall off.
If this fungus interferes with the process of photosynthesis due to cover the leaf surface. Generally affected stems will rot, first - first from the skin and then spread to the inside, and then decompose the woody tissue. Affected tissue will remove sap or fluids. If this condition is left unchecked, will rot the wood tissue, then the entire branch that is on it will wither and die.
Examples of diseases caused by fungi are as follows.
a) The disease in rice.
Diseases of the rod segment and grain caused by the fungus Pyricularia oryzea.Vertebra - segment of the stem becomes brittle and rice plants eventually die. In addition, there is also a disease that causes leaves to turn yellow rice. The disease is caused by a fungus Magnaporthegrisea.
b) The disease powdery mildew.
The disease is caused by the fungus Peronospora parasitica. This fungus sometimes - sometimes attacked seeds were germinated seeds that become brittle and eventually die. This fungus sometimes - sometimes attacks the leaves first to sprout, so plant becomes stunted. Dwarf plants can grow steadily, but the leaves - the leaves are spotting - black spots.
To combat mildew control is done chemically, by giving fungsida fungus on plants.
2. Bacterium
Bacteria can rot the leaves, stems, and roots of plants. Part of growing plants under attack bacteria will remove the mucus is cloudy, smells the stench was terrible, and sticky to the touch. After decaying, old - the plant will eventually die.Plants are attacked by bacteria can be overcome by using a bactericide.
Examples of diseases caused by bacteria is a disease that attacks the vascular filter rod orange (citrus vein phloem degeneration or CVPD). CVPD caused by the bacterium Serratia marcescens. The symptoms are small buds and leaves become yellow, the fruit is yellow, so long - eventually will die. CVPD disease that can not be cured with terramycin machete, which is a type of antibiotics.
3. Virus
In addition to bacteria and fungi, in a healthy condition, the plants can be infected by the virus. Diseases caused by viruses is quite dangerous because it can be contagious and spread rapidly throughout the plant. Plants that are already under attack is difficult to cure. Examples of diseases caused by viruses such as tobacco-stained leaf disease - white patches. The disease is caused by a virus TMV (Tabacco mosaic virus) which attacks the surface of the leaf tobacco. The virus can also attack citrus. Insect transmission through intermediaries.
4. Algae (Algae)
The presence of algae also need to watch out because it can cause patches of red rust on the leaves of plants. Plants are usually attacked, among others, orange, guava and rambutan. Plant parts are attacked by algae is usually the leaves, characterized by patches of gray-green color in the leaves, then the surface is reddish-brown hair grow. Despite its small size, the spots that arise so much that it is quite detrimental to
Step - a step that must be done so that the plants are not attacked by the disease are as follows.
a) Keep the plants are always in excellent condition or health in a way fulfilled all the requirements of nutrients.
b) Do not let the plants are too thick, cut up all the plants get enough sunlight.
c) Do not let the plant lice, mites, or other animals in the attack carried the bacteria or fungi.
d) Keep the environment clean.
e) Consider the plant as often as possible so that the disease can be detected as early as possible.
f) If there are symptoms - symptoms that are seen, cut the plant (leaves, fruit, twigs) is attacked, then burned to prevent spread to other parts or plants.
g) The use pesticides as a last alternative for the treatment of pests and diseases in plants.
"Use of Pesticides to Combat Pests and Diseases"
The use of synthetic pesticides requires precision, both the selection and guidance of safe pesticide use. The results of routine monitoring can be used to determine Janis pests and diseases that attack, and determine the appropriate type of target pesticides. Monitoring is also useful for spraying is not too late to use the right dose and time so that the control of pests and diseases can be managed.
Control of pests and diseases to pesticides should consider the type of pests and diseases that exist, populations, and pest development stage. Pesticide use can be made based on consideration of it - the following.
a. biological pesticides tailored to the type of pests that attack.
b. Pesticides should be selective, that is to pests or diseases that attack certain plants.
c. Formulation of pesticides must comply. For example, for the pests that enter into interest rate is less suitable when used in spraying, but it is more effective if more absolute form of fog, so to get into the flower.
d. The Pesticides systemic (enter plant tissue) or contact in contact with the pest, pest adapted to the stage of development. In the adult stage, white lice may be difficult to control with contact pestisida because his body has outer layer that can protect it from direct spray. Systemic pesticides are more effective because the larvae hatch and eat the new leaves will die because of the active ingredient present in the plant will poison the pests.
C. Weeds
In addition to pests and diseases that attack plants and harming farmers, weeds also need special attention. At the farmers sometimes pay less attention to the weeds so that within a certain time has exceeded the limit weed population.Weeds - weeds will be competing with the main crop in getting the necessary nutrients growth. Weeds can be a pest hiding places. Cleaning of weeds is essential to suppress the development of pests that can attack plants.
Based on the Characteristics of owned, weeds can be divided into three groups, namely puzzles, grasses and broad leaf weeds.
1. Puzzle
Group puzzle - tekian has exceptional durability against mechanical control, because it has a rod axis in the soil that can last months - months. An example is the puzzle field (Cyperus rotundus).
2. Grass
Leaved weeds in this group like a puzzle but it produces a narrow stolon. Stolon is in the ground form a complicated network that is mechanically difficult to overcome. An example is alang - alang (Imperata cylindrica).
3. Broad leaf weeds
A wide range of weeds of the order Dicotyledoneae included in this group.Weeds usually grow at the end of cultivation. Competition for major crops in the form of light competition. Examples of broad-leaved weeds are the leaves spoon.
"Weed Control"
Weed control requires a unique strategy for each case. Some things to consider before making weed control are as follows:
a) Type of dominant weeds
b) the main cultivated crops
c) the available alternative control
d) The impact of economic and ecological
e) Currently, quite a lot of herbicides (weed killers) are available at farm stores. Even so, we need to care - care in selecting and using herbicides. Consider how to use the correct herbicide is recommended.
The purpose of cleaning weeds, among others, to reduce the nuisance plants that will be the main crop competitors. In addition, because the host alternetif weed and pest hiding places.
After learning about the weeds that are always detrimental to humans, there are weeds that are not harmful to anyone, that is Rosela plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa l.), For some reason these plants, including weeds, we get this from an Internet media that discuss about pests and plant diseases. Though understanding of the weed itself is the plant that suppresses the growth of nuisance pests and diseases, viewed from the side benefits of roselle plants aplenty, including treating coughs, lethargy, fever, bleeding gums, retaining spasms, anti worm, anti-bacterial, anti septic, lowering cholesterol in the blood, uric acid. View of the benefits - the benefits of these plants, these plants do not show plants that bring the disease to humans, even reverse, this plant can cure several human diseases, so why do so many people who call this plant a weed plant? Because it is easy to roselle plant disease and spread it to other plants, and lots of animals - animal pests alighted on the leaf / stem.
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